Monday, March 11, 2013

The Ultimate 101 Work From Home Ideas You Can Start Today

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It’s tough working from home
Back in 2004, I had an idea to start my first business online. I was currently working as a programmer for a major education company, I hated it. Reporting to the boss, someone telling you when you should eat your lunch and go home didn’t work for me. It was then I decided to come up with a list of work from home ideas.

I then resigned from my job and started my first web design business. Since then, I’ve never looked back. Working from home rocks! I’ve successfully been able to work from home and not report to a boss, I live life on my terms and make decisions on my own. I chose projects I want to work on and do contract work I chose to do.

Let’s face it, nothing beats working from home icon smile The Ultimate 101 Work From Home Ideas You Can Start Today After all these years, billionaire Richard Branson still prefers to work in his hammock while lying there on the beach while he communicates with his associates on the phone.

We live in one of the greatest times in history. Never before, we have so many opportunities to make money from home, whether it’s online or offline, virtually anyone can start earning money from the comfort of their own home. Technology, internet, affordable medias makes it extremely easy for virtually anyone to start a business from scratch.

Working from home is the ultimate lifestyle. No more traffic to and from work, no more pesky people bothering you, no more boss bugging you in person, no more working in a suit or professional attire, you can even work in your pajamas as well (I’ll admit I’ve done this while closing a $12,000 deal on the phone, maybe it was my lucky pajamas that did it).

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Babysit the kids while your work from home
If you got kids, working from home gives you a chance to spend time with the kids, while you’re at it, you can even change their diapers. Another great thing about working from home is that you can always start this business part time. If you have a full time job, no problems at all, you can always start this business on the side in the evenings and weekends while you have your full time job.

Yes, you’ll work hard for a while but your part time gig will eventually grow into a full time business and you’ll reach a point where you don’t need your full time job anymore and can work full time from home. Of course, before you start your work from home business, a good piece of advice is to have some savings set aside for your fixed expenses, this could be 3-6 months savings just to cover you while you’re building your full time working from home business.

Okay so now that I’ve got your attention and I don’t need to convince you the awesomeness of working from home, let’s cut straight to the chase and look at all of the things you can do to start earning you some money from home.

In this blog post, I’ll share with you 101 work from home ideas that you can try today. Of course, not all of these ideas will float your boat but I’m sure some of these ideas will generate income for you at home.

Think of this list as a cafeteria menu, you simply pick and chose what you want and go for it. The best way to start a brand new business is to look at your current situation and see whether the idea is feasible. If you believe you can start that particular type of business from home, then it’s time to start your engines!

Let’s Get Started, The Ultimate 101 Work From Home Ideas You Can Start Today

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Work From Home Online

Online Work From Home Ideas

  1. Start a blog site promoting your services.
  2. Create a high content website that generates tons of traffic and sell advertising through it.
  3. Create a membership site that charges your customers a monthly premium.
  4. Create a digital product such as an ebook, video or training online.
  5. Fill out surveys and get paid for it.
  6. Sell your junk on eBay or turn this into a full fledged business.
  7. Work as a virtual assistant getting paid for researching, sending emails, booking venues and more.
  8. Become a web designer.
  9. Become a web programmer.
  10. Become a search engine optimization specialist.
  11. Become a social media expert.
  12. Create small niche websites that generate high traffic and promote products through it.
  13. Create a huge database of prospects and promote products through it.
  14. Create an awesome profile showcasing your talent on linkedin and get found by professionals while landing contracts.
  15. You can even ask your boss to do your work from home, just as long as you deliver what’s required.
  16. Write articles for people and get paid per article.
  17. Become a ghost writer and write books for people.
  18. Become a Facebook advertising consultant.
  19. Buy and sell domain names.
  20. Create coupons and discounts for businesses on your website.
  21. Be an online consultant and help people start their businesses online.
  22. Create a health and fitness website, almost everyone wants to lose a bit of weight icon wink The Ultimate 101 Work From Home Ideas You Can Start Today
  23. Create some software and sell it online.
  24. Create the next big social media website that can potentially change the world as we know it.
  25. Get into the information marketing business and cash in on what you know.
  26. Become an affiliate marketer and sell other peoples products.
  27. Similar to eBay but you can also sell on the Yahoo store.
  28. Sell web hosting packages to companies.
  29. Create an online store and sell your products through it.
  30. Become a freelancer on your own particular skill set.
  31. Recruit people for companies and earn a commission for it.
  32. Start an online t-shirt store.
  33. Create a podcast series and charge people to subscribe to it.
  34. Create an online resource of video training.
  35. Start a resume writing service and help other people get jobs so they can’t work from home like you icon wink The Ultimate 101 Work From Home Ideas You Can Start Today
  36. Become an eBay trading assistant.
  37. Be an internet marketer and help businesses promote their products and services online.
  38. Become an online reputation manager.
  39. Just like real estate, flip websites online.
  40. Become an editor and fix other people’s grammar.
  41. Create a network of websites and become a digital advertiser.
  42. Teach foreigners how to speak English online.
  43. Create apps for mobile phones.
  44. Be an online customer support person.
  45. Help companies create great video and be a virtual video editor.
  46. Market videos on youTube for businesses.
  47. Be a Squidoo consultant and help companies utilize this power.
  48. Be a graphic designer.
  49. Spend all day reviewing products and services and get paid for it.
  50. Become a life coach.
  51. Setup a classified ads website.
  52. Create an online forum that builds a community and promote your services through it.
  53. Become an accountant and crunch those numbers in your pajamas.
  54. Transcribe audio services.
  55. Become a data entry person.

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Work From Home Offline

Offline Work From Home Ideas

  1. Start a wedding photography business.
  2. Start a bed and breakfast.
  3. Rent out that extra spare bed room in your house.
  4. Start a weekend flea market business.
  5. Start a dog training business.
  6. If you’re good with cars, start a automobile business from your garage.
  7. Fix computers.
  8. Write a series of books and sell it.
  9. Become a real estate investor.
  10. Flip houses.
  11. Play the stock market.
  12. Start a videography business.
  13. Create presentations for others.
  14. Create great music for the world.
  15. Become a skilled consultant.
  16. Be a personal trainer.
  17. Teach people how to dance.
  18. Start a course for people who want to work from home as well.
  19. Mow lawns.
  20. Give guitar lessons.
  21. Tutoring.
  22. Art lessons.
  23. Gardening business.
  24. Baby sitting.
  25. Look after the elders.
  26. Become an awesome masseuse. Ouch my back! icon wink The Ultimate 101 Work From Home Ideas You Can Start Today
  27. Career counselling.
  28. Financial planning.
  29. Start a yoga business.
  30. Help people reduce stress.
  31. Grow a farm and sell the produce to stores (my parents have done that)
  32. Sewing clothing (my relatives have done that too)
  33. Become a model, let’s face it, you’re good looking icon wink The Ultimate 101 Work From Home Ideas You Can Start Today
  34. Try your acting skills and get that dream movie gig you’ve always wanted.
  35. Start a seminar business.
  36. Start a cake decorating service.
  37. Be an artist.
  38. Create an import/export business.
  39. Become an interior designer.
  40. Start a mail order business.
  41. Start a party planning service.
  42. Start a travel agency from home.
  43. Start a vending machine business from home.
  44. Start a limousine business (my friend’s done that)
  45. Start a florist.

Other Work From Home Ideas

  1. Teach people how to dougie icon wink The Ultimate 101 Work From Home Ideas You Can Start Today

So What’s Stopping You From Working From Home?

That’s the ultimate question, what’s stopping you? You have all the resources you need right now. Don’t worry about whether you have enough cash or skills, most people who start businesses start with nothing.

I know people who own several bakeries around Australia and they are making heaps of money but when they first started, they set the bread oven on fire!

You should never worry about waiting for the right time to start a business, you should start  right now! Your ducks will never line up before you start and that’s simply the game of life. However when you do start your home business, opportunities will flow your way.

So there you have it, there’s heaps of other great work from home ideas you can apply, the most important step of earning income from home is to simply get out there and do it.

Just do it.

Good journey.

Khoa Bui

Ps. If you enjoyed this article, please share it with your friends and let’s all work from home!
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